Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Raindrops and Rainbows

The other day the rain was pouring down. Nicholas grabbed his Crayola drawing rake and started making rainbows on the sidewalk. He was making circles of rainbows. The rain was so hard that they would only last for a matter of seconds. As soon as he finished and stepped back to admire his work, his creation would be washed away. It reminded me of my own futile work that day. One of those days when I have worked hard on a project, only to have my little ones storm through and erase my efforts.

Nicholas was having fun in the rain. I grabbed the camera and snapped a few pictures to remember the moment. My friend describes these moments as “the golden nuggets we hold on to when being a mom is not so much fun”. They are our umbrella in the storm when chocolate milk is spilt on the rug, or when your little one throws a fit in the super market. There are many sleepless nights, and growing pains on this journey of motherhood.

It’s funny if you think about it, each raindrop holds a tiny individual rainbow. If only our eyes were fast enough to see it. The refraction of the light in each one, before the drop dissolved. That is the way these days are disappearing. Our days are filled with moments and potential. They are disappearing before our eyes, before we realize it the moment has passed. Keep your eyes open for rainbows, and store away the gold. The day is coming when you will be glad you did.

1 comment:

  1. So good to remember. . . and yes, they do grow up so fast. Having three that are grown sure makes me want to slow down and savor the moments with the littlest.
