Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hummingbirds in our back yard

Hummingbirds are making their way through our back yards soon. If you want them to stop and visit for a while. All you need to do is leave out a feeder full of their favorite treat. You can buy humming bird food at the store. However, it is easy to make at home and it is inexpensive. It might take a while for the humming birds to find your feeder. If you attract one, he is sure to tell his friends. In no time you will have different breeds diving in for the action. The trick is to have your feeder out when the scouts come through. If you live in Missouri that time is now. My friend in Jefferson City, says she has seen them visiting her feeder this week. I am putting my feeder out today in hopes they will come to our house soon.

This is the recipe I use in my feeder:
1 cup water
1/4 cup sugar
1 minute in the microwave to help the sugar dissolve.
stir and let cool to room temp. Fill your feeder and wait.

The food should be changed at least once a week. Clean your feeder with mild soap and rinse well with water before refilling it. Change the mixture more often when the weather is hot. It can spoil in hot weather. If you have time, sit back and enjoy the show. These tiny back yard acrobats are amazing.

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