I really enjoyed today's passage Mark 6:7-13.
I was struck by these instructions, "Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave." I feel like with today's distractions it is easy to be in a place with body, but not sole. Our minds wonder on to our unfinished tasks, or unfinished conversations, instead of being focused on the person in front of us. Something to think about, however, it was not in this Sunday's sermon.
The priest focused on the instructions Jesus gave his disciples. To pack only what they needed to travel with food, a walking stick, and only one tunic. Father John spoke about how easy it is to over pack when planing a trip. How those extra things hinder us during our journey. He spoke about the importance a walking stick was in the time when the disciples where traveling. How the walking stick would keep you steady on uneven ground, and could be used for protection if attacked. He suggested that our faith in God serves as our walking stick in today's times.
"Jesus summoned the twelve and began to send them out two by two." Father reminded us that you need a spiritual partner. Someone to cheer you on, and hold you accountable for your beliefs. Father said 'If you are married to your spiritual partner you are truly blessed. If you spouse is not your spiritual partner try to make that your goal. If you can't rely on them to cheer you on, and support your beliefs try to cheer them on to come closer to Jesus and the life he wants us to lead with love. Meanwhile surround yourself with people who will challenge you to live the life of Christ. Join groups and make friends with those who will support you to live as Christ invites us to live... with the love of Christ our saviour.'
This caught my attention, because I keep thinking about friends. My friends from the past, and my current friends. If you take a moment and think about your friends. How they reflect your beliefs. How you support each others goals and standards. They define your norm. If they spend thousands on their vacation, it makes it easier for you to justify doing the same. If they travel with their children to support their joy of a sport; suddenly a trip to Canada to take you son to play Ice Hockey doesn't seem extreme. Spending $200 on a high tech swimsuit you can only use three times, is not extraordinary if the rest of the parents on the swim team are doing the same thing. It is easier to go to church on Sunday, when your friends are making the same effort.
In my past, I use to choose friends who where easy. They didn't ask much of me and I didn't ask much of them. Over the past few years I found that to be empty. I have reached out in new directions. I have been lucky to find a group of friends that challenge me to live within the teachings of the Church and Christ. They are not easy friends. They expect me to live up to a higher standard. "You have to believe to receive." "If you receive, should give back, pay it forward." "You have to be a friend to have a friend." These are all statements they have said in passing about themselves. It is a standard, a goal. These are standards I am striving to meet.
Listen to your friends, what standards do they portray? Are their goals the same as yours? Recently I passed through a group where the standard was; Show over substance, Greed over charity, Pride over humility. I am glad that I am aware how empty path is. There will never enough money or power to fill the void.
It is not always easy to find friends who reflect who you are. It is hard to reach out to new people and find new friends. There is always a chance you will get burned, putting your trust in someone that is not true to the way they portray themselves. Making new friends is like winning the lottery. You have to play to win. You have to put yourself out there.
I hope you have people surrounding you who support you and encourage you to grow. In today's gospel Jesus sent his disciples two by two. All you need is one other person that believes as you do. You can support each other, and hold each other accountable. If you can find more then one, count your blessings. I leave you with father John's words "If you are married to your spiritual partner you are truly blessed."